robot collaboration

robot collaboration
= multiple robot collaboration
совместная (групповая) работа роботов, взаимодействие (взаимопомощь) роботов
одно из направление разработок военных роботов, роботов-спасателей, спортивных команд из роботов и т. д., в котором для достижения общей цели объединяются действия нескольких роботов

Англо-русский толковый словарь терминов и сокращений по ВТ, Интернету и программированию. . 1998-2007.

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Смотреть что такое "robot collaboration" в других словарях:

  • Robot spirit — Mars Exploration Rover Illustration artistique du robot Mars Exploration Rover (MER) est une mission spatiale initiée par les États Unis et confiée à la NASA sur la planète Mars. Elle a pour but une exploration géologique de la planète Mars à la… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Human-robot interaction — (HRI) is the study of interactions between people (users) and robots. HRI is multidisciplinary with contributions from the fields of human computer interaction, artificial intelligence, robotics, natural language understanding, and social science …   Wikipedia

  • Autonomous robot — Autonomous robots are robots which can perform desired tasks in unstructured environments without continuous human guidance. Many kinds of robots have some degree of autonomy. Different robots can be autonomous in different ways. A high degree of …   Wikipedia

  • Domo (robot) — For other uses, see Domo (disambiguation). Domo is an experimental robot by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) designed to interact with humans. The brainchild of Jeff Weber and Aaron Edsinger, its name comes from the Japanese phrase …   Wikipedia

  • Pocketdelta robot — The PocketDelta robot is a micro robot based on a parallel structure called “Delta robot”. It has been designed to perform micro assembly tasks where high speed and high precision are needed in a reduced working space. The robot s size is 120… …   Wikipedia

  • Isaac Asimov's Robot City — is a series of novels written by various authors and loosely connected to Isaac Asimov s Robot Series. It takes place between The Robots of Dawn and Robots and Empire . The novels were written in response to a writing challenge issued by Asimov… …   Wikipedia

  • Autonomous research robot — Autonomous research robots are a relatively new phenomenon. In the 1980s and even the 1990s, most researchers built their own platforms from scratch, so research proceeded at a snail s pace.PioneersThe Denning Mobile Robot company of Boston was… …   Wikipedia

  • European Land-Robot Trial — (ELROB) (français: Essai européan des robots terrestres) une organisation européenne visant l essai des capacités des robots modernes. ELROB n est pas une compétition comme l americain DARPA Grand Challenge, mais un pur test d aptitude de la… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Lion (Super Robot Wars) — The Lion is a fictional robot in the Super Robot Wars series. It has appeared in the series, both as an enemy unit and a playable unit.AppearanceThe main body is reminiscent of various fighter planes. However, the addition of limbs and a head… …   Wikipedia

  • Cynthia Breazeal — Cynthia Lynn Breazeal (born November 15, 1967 in Albuquerque, New Mexico)[1] is an Associate Professor of Media Arts and Sciences at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, where she is the director of the Personal Robots Group (formerly the… …   Wikipedia

  • Buckethead — For other uses, see Buckethead (disambiguation). Buckethead Buckethead performing live in 2008. Background information Birth name Brian Patrick Carroll …   Wikipedia

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